Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Word Play

I was not an English major and don’t pretend to be one. The language can get to confusing! Some statements that I hear are confusing to me because I’m not sure if the person is misusing the word, or if I’ve been getting it wrong all my life. 

1. The word biweekly has 2 meanings: occurring every 2 weeks, and occurring twice a week. That is so confusing! How do I know what to do?

2.      Indefinite means not precise or exact. But when sports announcers say someone is out indefinitely it sometimes means they are out for the entire season. To me, being out for the entire season is very precise.

3.      “If I don’t see you, have a nice __________ (birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas).” What if you do see the person? Then should they not have a nice day? Maybe we should say “If I don’t see you to tell you, have a nice _____________”

4.      “If could care less.” You usually mean you couldn’t care less!

I’m sure there will be more to come! Add your own!

Growing up. When did that happen?

Recently, Shay and I have been talking about buying a house. And not just “oh that would be so fun!” but more like “I wonder what mortgage rate we will qualify for.” When did we turn into grownups?  We talk to our friends about their 401k’s, vacation time and credit scores.

And while this scares me, it also is so exciting. We are entering a whole new chapter in our lives. We will face completely new challenges, but we are going through it together. I can’t really know this, but right now I feel ready for the future. I’m ready for something to happen in my life that I have control and responsibility over. Does that mean buying a house? We’ll see soon hopefully!  

Short Blog Posts

I write short blog posts, don’t I? Better than no blog posts! Here’s a little blitz of them.